Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tianamen Square - Not Forgotten

Today marks the anniversary of the crushing of the peaceful student led movement seeking reform of China's corrupt communist led government. For weeks, up to a million Chinese protesters - from all walks of life - joined together in Tianamen Square to demand reform. In China, in which the authoritarian government has almost always been the norm, such a mass protest was unheard of. Tianamen Square is a huge area in the capital city of Beijing dedicated to celebrating the Chinese Communist Party. The protests following the death of Hu Yaobang, a government official who championed internal reform. The protesters even created a replica of the Statute of Liberty. After internal debates about how to address the situation, the regime decided to quash the gathering, and ordered the Chinese Army to use force to crush it. Likely thousands died on the square, and the protest movement was suppressed with a wave of arrests.

Those who died should be remembered today. They are the symbols of freedom, and an inspiration for us even decades later. They died only because they wanted what we take for granted in America - our First Principles of the rule of law, equality, the Social Compact, unalienable rights, and a limited government.

Although today the Chinese government considers them traitors, someday the corrupt regime of China will fall, and the heroes of Tianamen Square will take their rightful place in Chinese history.

For more on the importance First Principles and why they are worth fighting for, visit

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